Understanding India - South Africa tourism: The Impact of Food Tourism on the Socio-Cultural and Economic Fabrics in Durban.


India-Africa relations is distinct and owes its origins to a common past that the countries share. In this paper the researchers attempt to trace India’s engagement in South Africa and its socio-cultural and economic impact in the coastal city of Durban. In order to gain an insight on the socio-economic activities and the cultural dynamics, a qualitative research design was used. Twenty key informant interviews were conducted. The results show that eating food is not just what we enjoy but it is additionally a medium of cultural exchange and experience. For Africans from other African countries based in Durban, the presence and availability of Indian food, fulfils a cultural and emotional gap by creating a space to their ‘remembered places’. The paper concludes that Indo-Africa engagement has accelerated growth on investment and culinary tourism. The paper recommends the development of culinary itineraries and the expansion of socio-economic and cultural programmes in South Africa

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