
On the distribution of αp\alpha p modulo one in imaginary quadratic number fields with class number one


We investigate the distribution of αp\alpha p modulo one in imaginary quadratic number fields K⊂C\mathbb{K}\subset\mathbb{C} with class number one, where pp is restricted to prime elements in the ring of integers O=Z[ω]\mathcal{O} = \mathbb{Z}[\omega] of K\mathbb{K}. In analogy to classical work due to R. C. Vaughan, we obtain that the inequality ∥αp∥ω<N(p)−1/8+ϵ\lVert\alpha p\rVert_\omega < \mathrm{N}(p)^{-1/8+\epsilon} is satisfied for infinitely many pp, where ∥ϱ∥ω\lVert\varrho\rVert_\omega measures the distance of ϱ∈C\varrho\in\mathbb{C} to O\mathscr{O} and N(p)\mathrm{N}(p) denotes the norm of pp. The proof is based on Harman's sieve method and employs number field analogues of classical ideas due to Vinogradov. Moreover, we introduce a smoothing which allows us to make conveniently use of the Poisson summation formula.Comment: 36 page

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