
Orbital character effects in the photon energy and polarization dependence of pure C60 photoemission


Recent direct experimental observation of multiple highly-dispersive C60_{60} valence bands has allowed for a detailed analysis of the unique photoemission traits of these features through photon energy- and polarization-dependent measurements. Previously obscured dispersions and strong photoemission traits are now revealed by specific light polarizations. The observed intensity effects prove the locking in place of the C60_{60} molecules at low temperatures and the existence of an orientational order imposed by the substrate chosen. Most importantly, photon energy- and polarization-dependent effects are shown to be intimately linked with the orbital character of the C60_{60} band manifolds which allows for a more precise determination of the orbital character within the HOMO-2. Our observations and analysis provide important considerations for the connection between molecular and crystalline C60_{60} electronic structure, past and future band structure studies, and for increasingly popular C60_{60} electronic device applications, especially those making use of heterostructures

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