
Gaussian Process Optimization with Adaptive Sketching: Scalable and No Regret


Gaussian processes (GP) are a well studied Bayesian approach for the optimization of black-box functions. Despite their effectiveness in simple problems, GP-based algorithms hardly scale to high-dimensional functions, as their per-iteration time and space cost is at least quadratic in the number of dimensions dd and iterations tt. Given a set of AA alternatives to choose from, the overall runtime O(t3A)O(t^3A) is prohibitive. In this paper we introduce BKB (budgeted kernelized bandit), a new approximate GP algorithm for optimization under bandit feedback that achieves near-optimal regret (and hence near-optimal convergence rate) with near-constant per-iteration complexity and remarkably no assumption on the input space or covariance of the GP. We combine a kernelized linear bandit algorithm (GP-UCB) with randomized matrix sketching based on leverage score sampling, and we prove that randomly sampling inducing points based on their posterior variance gives an accurate low-rank approximation of the GP, preserving variance estimates and confidence intervals. As a consequence, BKB does not suffer from variance starvation, an important problem faced by many previous sparse GP approximations. Moreover, we show that our procedure selects at most O~(deff)\tilde{O}(d_{eff}) points, where deffd_{eff} is the effective dimension of the explored space, which is typically much smaller than both dd and tt. This greatly reduces the dimensionality of the problem, thus leading to a O(TAdeff2)O(TAd_{eff}^2) runtime and O(Adeff)O(A d_{eff}) space complexity.Comment: Accepted at COLT 2019. Corrected typos and improved comparison with existing method

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