A detail computational hydro - acoustics analysis for hydrofoils with straight and wavy leading edges


In this paper, we examine the influence of wavy leading edges (WLE) of a lifting surface on the mechanism of cavitation formation and noise generation. The results of two NACA 634-021 hydrofoils with different wavy leading edges are compared with a NACA 634-021 hydrofoil with a straight profile under different operational conditions. This problem is studied numerically using an unsteady RANS solver with a multiphase mixture flow model. The results are contrasted against a hydrofoil with a straight leading edge. The CFD method applied for solving the incompressible hydrodynamic code is combined with the Schnerr-Sauer cavitation model and with the FfowcsWilliams Hawking (FW-H) integral formulation that can solve the hydro-acoustics problem. Furthermore, the spherical wave equation is applied in order to capture the monopole contribution of the cavitation volume fluctuations. The leading wavy edge leads to the generation of streamwise vorticity which causes the attached wake to become unstable leading to smaller cavitation formations resulting to reduced pressure noise

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