Ante Bellum Studies in Slavery, Politics, and the Railroads


Ante Bellum Studies in Slavery, Politics, and the Railroads By Robert R. Russel Professor and Head, Department of History Western Michigan University Series of Articles: What Was the Compromise of 1850? Reprinted from The Journal of Southern History, XXII (August 1956), 292-309. The Economic History of Negro Slavery in the United States. Reprinted from Agricultural History, XI (October 1937), 308-21. The General Effects of Slavery Upon Southern Economic Progress. Reprinted from The Journal of Southern History, IV (February 1938), 34-54. The Effects of Slavery upon Nonslaveholders in the Ante Bellum South. Reprinted from Agricultural History, XV (April 1941), 112-26. A Revaluation of the Period before the Civil War: Railroads. Reprinted from The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XV (December 1928), 341-54. The Pacific Railway Issue in Politics Prior to the Civil War. Reprinted from The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XII (September 1925), 187-201. Bibliography of the Works of Robert R. Russe

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