The CRITHINKEDU European Course on critical thinking education for university teachers : from conception to delivery


Within the scope of the CRITHINKEDU project1, this intellectual output (Output 3) reports the experience of conceiving and delivering a European training course on Critical Thinking (CT) education for university teachers. It draws on the proposal of the “European inventory of critical thinking skills and dispositions for the 21st century” and the “Preliminary guidelines for quality in critical thinking education” - both presented in the two previous intellectual outputs of the project (Dominguez, 2018a, 2018b). This report is targeted to each leading partner institution or to any Higher Education (HE) institution which desire to later replicate this training course at the local level, to faculty staff interested in the implementation of CT teaching practices and learning activities in their classroom. Deployments within the CRITHINKEDU project will be carried-out as part of the fourth and following intellectual output (Output 4).European CommissionEACEA, through the ERASMUS+ Programm

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