False aneurysm of deep femoral artery branch following blunt trauma


Background: Pseudoaneurysms of the deep femoral artery (DFA) as a result of blunt trauma are very rare, therefore they are often not suspected. Surgery remains the treatment of choice and should be carried out electively for asymptomatic aneurysms. The stent-graft placement is another way of treatment but long-term durability of DFA stentgrafting is still unknown. Case Report: We present a case of a 20-year-old male patient with a pseudoaneurysm of DFA as a result of blunt trauma which was successfully treated with a stengraft. Conclusions: A pseudoaneurysm should be suspected in any patient presenting with an enlarging haematoma following blunt trauma. The use of stent-grafts seems to be a safe and efficient way of treatment of post traumatic DFA pseudoaneurysms and should be considered as one of treatment options

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