Functional condition of masseters muscles of patients with class II subdivision


Introduction. Main functional characteristics of masticator muscles in patients with class ІІ malocclusions is activity dominance of m. temporalis in comparison with m. мasseter. We have not found datum about functional status of the masticators in patients with class II subdivision. Purpose of investigation. The purpose of our study was to investigate the functional characteristics of m. мasseter, m. temporalis in adult patients with class II subdivision malocclusion. Materials and methods. There have been carried out the surface electromyographic study of m. masseter, m. temporalis in 17 adult patients with class II subdivision. It was realized quantitative analysis of 271 electromyogram, it was determined the average bioelectric activity, index activity, symmetry and torsion index. Results. It was observed predominance of the bioelectrical activity of m. temporales on m. masseter for all persons with class II subdivision. Bioelectrical activity for m. masseter was bigger on side of distal ratio and for m. temporales on side of neutral ratio. In class ІІ subdivision right, the mandible was deviated to the left side and in class ІІ subdivision left is deviated to the right side. Thus, rotational moment generated during compression of the jaws, causes deviation of the lower jaw to the side, with a neutral molar ratio. During voluntary chewing bioelectrical activity of m. masseter and m. temporalis was higher in the right side. Conclusion. In accordance with the functional condition of the masticatory muscles of class II subdivision is characterized with functional features of distal occlusion. Key words: class II subdivision, electromyographic study of the masticators

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