Do Banks Follow Their Corporate or Non-corporate Customers to Taiwan? A Test of "Follow the Customers" Hypothesis


本文的目的在檢驗「追隨顧客」理論,探討多國籍銀行是否會隨著顧客至臺灣進行海外擴張。不同於以往探討銀行海外擴張的研究只考慮「企業顧客」,本文的「顧客」包含法人企業與自然人勞工顧客,企業顧客以「雙邊貿易額」與「來臺投資金額」為代理變數,勞工顧客以「在臺外籍勞工人數」為代理變數。本文外國銀行海外擴張的代理變數可分成二類,第一類為實體分支機構的擴張,第二類為財務面的擴張,包括銀行資本、資產、存放款、營業收入與人事費用。實證結果顯示,實體分支機構的擴張完全支持「追隨顧客」理論,外國銀行會追隨企業與勞工顧客到臺灣進行實體擴張,而財務面的擴張結果因財務代理變數不同稍有差異。This paper investigates the "follow the customer" hypothesis using the case of foreign bank expansions in Taiwan. Our customers here contain both corporate entities and individuals, where the former is commonly seen in the literature, the latter has not yet been explored except for Esperanca and Gulamhussen (2001). Because of Taiwan's unique features, our individual customers include only the Philippine and Thai laborers. Furthermore, we also consider two types of foreign expansions, where the first one is physical expansion by setting up new branches by foreign banks and the second one is financial expansion, including increasing invested capital, asset, deposit, loan, revenue and personnel expenses. Our results show that when foreign expansion is the physical expansion, the hypothesis holds for both corporate and individual customers. However, when it is financial expansion, results change slightly for different proxies of financial expansion

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