The Role of Hakka People in Chinese Revolution in Modern History of China - Taking Taiping Revolution and Xinhai Revolution as Examples


本文試圖探討客家人在現代中國革命上所扮演的重要角色。主要分兩部分。第一部分廣泛討論客家與中國革命運動之關係,包括太平天國起義和辛亥革命時期的革命團體和活動;第二部分則以孫中山為主軸,除了討論其本身的客屬問題,也藉由觀察其周邊參與其革命事業之志士的籍貫身份,來析論其所設立的革命組織(以興中會和同盟會為主)、革命戰役(以惠州和黃花崗起義為主)、革命軍(以黃埔軍校為主)與客家的關係;最後亦談及也是客家人的羅福星在臺灣的抗日運動,以此作為探討孫中山辛亥革命與臺灣之關聯的切入點。The focus of this paper is about the role of Hakka people in Chinese revolution in modern history. The first part is addressing the relationship between Hakka figures and Chinese social movements and uprisings, including Taiping Revolution and some revolution groups and activities in Xinhai Revolution period. The second part is discussing Sun Yat-sen as a key factor in Chinese history. In this part, I am emphasizing on Sun Yat-sen’s Hakka identity, and also his revolutionary comrades. This part also talks about the role of Hakkas in his revolutionary organizations(mainly Xingzhong Association and Tongmeng Association), revolutionary battles(mainly Huizhou Uprising and Huanghuagang Uprising), and revolutionary army(mainly Huangpu Military School). And in the end, this part also discusses the relationship of Taiwan and Chinese revolution, which is mainly regards Fuxing Luo—a Hakka ethno, and his anti Japanese action

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