Consumer Behavior and Willingness to Pay for Taiwanese Frozen New-Year-Dish


每逢年節,臺灣各通路,像是便利商店、超市量販店、飯店餐廳或網路訂購通路,皆會發放年菜預售傳單供民眾做選擇,可看到有的主打名人(廚)代言、有的則是名店代言,各種促銷手段吸引消費者選購,又隨著現代人愈來愈忙碌,冷凍調理食品已成為趨勢,但近年來食安問題層出不窮,在這消費者食品安全意識愈來愈高的情況下,食品安全管理問題使得認證標章也更趨重要,故本研究除欲瞭解臺灣消費者對冷凍年菜的消費行為,還加入代言與認證等探討選擇偏好。 實證結果發現,購買過冷凍年菜的最大比例是因為「省時便利」,多為女性、40-59歲、已婚,教育程度以大學(專)最多,約半數為無宗教信仰者,6至7成皆為家中正餐籌備者或是年菜的籌備者,而家庭同住人數為3人以上居多,一同食用人菜人數則是4-8人,和過去相關研究結果差異不大。在北中南東四區偏好稍有差異,但整體而言差異不大,與過去研究相比,可能因通路與認知差異,與本研究略有不同。 最後因消費者之偏好異質,採RPL進行分析,結果顯示消費者顯著偏好之屬性等級在菜色品項上為佛跳牆類、功夫菜類,偏好名店代言、有認證、強調健康養身、風味口感佳與飯店餐廳販售之冷凍年菜,在(邊際)願付價格上各屬性也各有差異,佛跳牆類願付價格高達512元,代言類型下名店代言約270元,認證則是321元,飯店餐廳通路274元。由於各通路客群與商品特色與策略等各有不同,可供各通路作為冷凍年菜商品設計、行銷之參考。During the Chinese New Year, pre-order new-year-dishes brochures are distributing to customers through different retail channels such as convenience stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets, restaurants and online shopping websites in Taiwan. Some stores advertise products by cooperating with master chefs and others by proposing with famous shops in order to attract buyers. Followings with busy life styles which people line on, the frozen food is really popular nowadays. Moreover, increasing in the food safety awareness because the food safety scandals occur repeatedly. Certification is the important factor in improving the food safety management. Therefore, this research aims to understand the behavior of consumers in Taiwan toward frozen new-year-dishes, and how endorsement and certifications contribute to their decisions making. The result shows that time-saving is the major reason why consumers buy frozen new-year-dishes. Most clients are female, age between 40 to 59, married, degrees in college, non-religion, 60 to 70 percent are frozen new-year-dish arrangers, 3 family members, and having new-year-dishes dishes together with 4 to 8 people. This result shows no huge difference than the past research but the marketing channel and the consumer awareness could be the reason why there is a slightly variance. Conclusively, the variance on the consumer preference so the RPL method was adapted to analysis. The findings show that the WTP of the menu is diverse in Buddha jumped over the wall, traditional Chinese dishes, certification, healthy regimen, good tasting or sold from the restaurants. The WTP for Buddha jumped over the wall could be up to NT512,sellingfromthefamousshopisalmostaboutNT512, selling from the famous shop is almost about NT270, NT321isforthecertificationcuisineandtherestaurantisNT321 is for the certification cuisine and the restaurant is NT274. According to the variation in costumers through diversifying marketing channels, special products and selling strategies, it could been used in designing new-year-dishes and marketing

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