Itineraries through the landscape, different experiences


p. 2488-2496The relationship with the landscape, the proportions of the constructions and the materials that are used are features that must not be overlooked neither in architecture nor in infrastructural design, but with the difference that where bridges are concerned nothing is hidden and everything is on view. Even a road can have a certain architectural and aesthetic value, and not just technical or functional. The projects that we are presenting in this paper were for three different international urban improvement competitions, and are based on architectural considerations in terms of designing the infrastructure considering the tracks leading to them with the natural landscape value of the areas concerned. In fact, the construction must be linked to its surroundings and the tracks to be fully understood.Siviero, E.; Zorzenon, F. (2009). Itineraries through the landscape, different experiences. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.

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