

子宮頸抹片檢查已被證實是早其偵測子宮頸癌的有效方法,但是台灣地區婦女的抹片 檢查率仍然不高。本研究的目的乃在比較兩種教育方案介入後對工作場所婦女接受子 宮頸抹片檢查之知識、健康信念及行爲的影響。本研究採類實驗法,以方便取 樣選北市某電子公司之已婚婦女爲研究對象,有效樣本爲250人。將研 究對象分成四組,即前測實驗組、前測控制組、無前測實驗組、無前測控制組。實驗 組給予團體衛教及衛教手冊,控制組予以郵寄衛教手冊。研究結果顯示教育介入後, 實驗組與控制組之知識、抹片行爲均有顯著差異,而實驗組又較控制組顯著, 健康信念無顯著差異。由此可推論,加強對子宮頸抹片檢查知識的認知,對促進婦女 接受抹片檢查將有所助益。 Cervical cancer continues to be a significant problem in Taiwan. Cytological screening and follow-up can reduce the mortality rate of cervical cancer by detection and removal of precursor lesions. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of two teaching programs in the workplace on married women’s knowledge, health beliefs and behavior regarding cervical cancer screening. The research employed a four group quasi- experimental design. Two of the four groups were assigned to a group teaching program. The other two, the control groups , received a pamphlet teaching program. Total sample was 250 subjects in this research. The results indicated that (1) these two teaching programs led to a significant increase in knowledge of cervical cancer screening and screening rate but not in belief toward cervical cancer and screening. (2) The subjects of the group teaching program had better improvement in knowledge and cervical cancer screening than those of the pamphlet teaching program during post- intervention. This research suggests that enhancing understanding of cervical cancer screening through teaching programs is a relatively effective approach to increcsing women ’s partiaipation in cervical cancer screening

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