
Geometric Set Cover and Hitting Sets for Polytopes in R3R^3


Suppose we are given a finite set of points PP in R3\R^3 and a collection of polytopes T\mathcal{T} that are all translates of the same polytope TT. We consider two problems in this paper. The first is the set cover problem where we want to select a minimal number of polytopes from the collection T\mathcal{T} such that their union covers all input points PP. The second problem that we consider is finding a hitting set for the set of polytopes T\mathcal{T}, that is, we want to select a minimal number of points from the input points PP such that every given polytope is hit by at least one point. We give the first constant-factor approximation algorithms for both problems. We achieve this by providing an epsilon-net for translates of a polytope in R3R^3 of size \bigO(\frac{1{\epsilon)

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