

自然保護區設立之目的,在遵循生態 原則,維持生物多樣性;保育與復育受威 脅或瀕臨絕種之生物物種;保存固有物種 族群;維護代表性生物社會與生態系之活 絡網路;建構多樣性林分結構;保護生態 系完整;復育已破壞的生態系,並依地景 生態進行適應性經營。欲達成此一目標, 自然保護區生態系統之時空資訊,應整合 數位航遙測與地理資訊系統予以完整建 立,再藉由後續的分析與監測,探討歸納 出適當的經營管理方案。因此,本研究擬 以南仁山自然保護區為試區,利用數位航 遙測技術與地理資訊系統,結合地景生態 學與空間分析理論,探討區內森林植群分 佈及其動態變化,以關權責單位經營管理 之參考。 本研究計畫全程三年,目標在建立南 仁山自然保護區資料庫,探討其森林植群 動態變化模式,並研擬經營管理策略。本 年度子題為「南仁山地區多尺度地景生態 資料庫之建立」,現已完成該自然保護區基 礎資料之建立工作。而為探討南仁山自然 保護區植群之變遷情形,本研究以之不同 時期SPOT 衛星影像為材料,參考前人對 於當地之研究結果,將其分為水體、沙灘 與裸露地、草生地、農業用地、向風林型、 背風林型與溪谷林型等七類後,利用非監 督性分類、監督性分類(最大概似法)及 模糊理論分類法進行影像分類,其結果顯 示農業用地之使用有減少現象,而植群社 會亦確有變遷之情形產生。The objectives of establishing nature reserves, complying with the ecological principles, are to maintain biodiversity, conserve and restore threatened or endangered species, conserve native species, maintain representative bio-society and ecological network, construct diverse forest stand structure, protect the integrity of ecosystems, restore damaged ecosystems, and perform adaptive management based on landscape ecology. To achieve the goals, the temporal and spatial information of the ecosystems of the nature reserves must be established in order to derive appropriate management alternatives through successive analyses and monitoring. Therefore, this study intends to use the Nan-zin-sun nature reserve as the study site, and employ digital photogrammetry, remote sensing, and geographic information system in combination with theories of landscape ecology and spatial analysis to explore the 3 forest vegetation distribution and its dynamic changes within this area. This study is a three-year project. The overall objectives are to establish database of the Nan-zin-sun nature reserve, to examine the model of dynamic changes of forest vegetation, and to plan the management strategies. In the first year, we established the multi-scale landscape ecological database for the Nan-zin-sun nature reserve. And in order to explore the dynamics of vegetation types, we used different times SPOT images as materials, divided study area into seven parts, including water, sandy beach and uncovered land, agricultural land, grass land, windward vegetation type, leeward vegetation type, valley vegetation type. Using unsupervised classification, supervised classification and fuzzy set classification to classify the vegetation types of study area, we found the agricultural land was reduced and all the vegetation types were dynamics

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