Physiological effects of natural flagrance of “CEDROL” and cedrol for application to aromatherapy


匂い物質は,嗅覚神経系を介して行動発現や自律神経機能の調節などに関与する神経系(大脳辺縁系および視床下部)を賦活することにより,アロマセラピーの効果発現に関与していることが示唆されている.セドロールは,セダーウッド油から抽出した天然香料であり,セドロールを含むセダーウッドエッセンスはアロマセラピーに用いられていることから,自律神経機能に及ぼす作用が期待される.そこでセドロールを実験的に健常人に上気道から吸入させると,副交感神経の活動が有意に増大し,交感神経系の活動が有意に低下した.さらに,喉頭全摘除術を受けた被験者を用いて,上気道を介さずに下気道からセドロールを直接吸入させると,同様の効果が認められた.以上から,セドロールは嗅覚神経系だけでなく肺の迷走神経系を介して,交感神経系の活動や精神緊張を低下させる作用を有することが示唆された.これらのことは,セドロールがアロマセラピーに有用であることを示唆する.Odor substance is suggested to induce clinical effects of aromatherapy by stimulating the brain areas(limbic system and hypothalamus)involved in emotion and autonomic control through the olfactory system. Effects of pure compound (Cedrol) extracted from cedar wood oil on the cardiovascular system were investigated since cedar wood essence, which includes Cedrol, has been applied to aromatherapy. Vaporized Cedrol were presented to healthy human subjects via a face mask, which decreased sympathetic activity and increased parasympathetic activity. In the subsequent experiment, vaporized Cedrol was directly inhaled through the lower airway from a hole in the trachea of the totally laryngectomized subjects, but not through the upper airway. The experiment using the totally laryngectomized subjects replicated the similar results in healthy subjects who inhaled Cedrol through the nose. These results suggest that Cedrol acts on the peripheral nervous system (vagus nerve) innervating the lower airway and pulmonary system as well as the olfactory system in the upper airway. These results suggest usefulness of Cedrol for aromatherapy

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