Nursing students’ volunteer activities and motivating factors to continue them


本研究は看護大学生のボランティア活動の実態を把握し,ボランティア活動の継続意志と,ボランティア活動成果・継続動機との関連を明らかにすることを目的とした.調査対象者はA県B大学看護学科学生1・2・3年生の230名で質問紙調査を実施した.有効回答は162名であった.看護大学生の約8割が大学入学前にボランティア活動の経験があり,大学入学後ボランティア活動をしていない学生は全体の8割で,理由として機会がない,忙しくて時間がない,アルバイトしている等があげられた.ボランティア活動を継続したい学生ほど,人生が明るく喜びが広がるなどの意欲向上や人間関係の広がりがあるなどの成果を認識しており,ボランティアの継続動機につながっていた.しかし,多くの学生に継続意志があるにも関わらず,大学入学後にボランティア活動をしている学生は約2割であった.「機会がない」を理由にしている場合は機会があれば積極的に活動することにつながることが考えられる.ボランティアの情報提供を行い,ボランティアの活動成果が実感できるような働きかけが必要であることが示唆された.This study aimed to examine the current status of volunteer activities implemented by nursing college students and the relationship between their intention to continue volunteer work and achievements/motivation. We conducted a questionnaire survey involving 230 first-to third-year nursing students of University B in Prefecture A. We collected 162 valid responses. Approximately 80% of the nursing students had experienced volunteering, while approximately 80% of the students had not participated in volunteer activities after entering the university, due to reasons such as being too busy and working part time. Volunteer activities produced positive results, such as a brightened life, shared joy, and improved enthusiasm for life, as well as a widened social circle, which motivated the students to continue their volunteer activities. Although most students had the intention of continuing their volunteer work, only approximately 20% were involved in such activities after entering the university. However, there were some students who cited “a lack of opportunities” as the reason. They are expected to become involved in volunteer work if they have a chance. It is important to provide students with sufficient information on volunteer work, and allow them to recognize the benefits of participating in such activities

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