A Universal L-Band Telemeter for Use on Artillery Projectiles and Gun Launched Research Probes


International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 13-15, 1970 / International Hotel, Los Angeles, CaliforniaA UHF (1520 MHz) telemetry system for use with artillery projectiles and gun launched research probes is described. The feasibility of a universal telemeter (UTM) is demonstrated which is based on the use of modular plug-in components available to meet a variety of instrumentation requirements, including ogive and rear mounting, thus, eliminating the need for the development of a special projectile telemetry unit for each application of in-flight projectile performance monitoring or gun probe experiment. The special, ruggedized components and techniques for pre-flight high acceleration testing are described. The components described include: broadband, omnidirectional antennas for ogive and base mounting in projectiles; a high gain, all polarization, fan beam receiving antenna; stabilized, high efficiency UHF transmitters; miniaturized voltage controlled oscillators; 8 and 16 channel commutators; button cell and g-activated reserve cell batteries; shock resistant, electrically compatible radome and encapsulating materials; modular assembly cases; and ogive and base mounted telemeter test projectiles. The physical and electrical characteristics of the components of the telemetry system are presented, along with laboratory and field performance data obtained from firing standard, 155 mm, spinning projectiles, including the reception of signals while the projectile is in the gun barrel.International Foundation for TelemeteringProceedings from the International Telemetering Conference are made available by the International Foundation for Telemetering and the University of Arizona Libraries. Visit http://www.telemetry.org/index.php/contact-us if you have questions about items in this collection

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