Dendrochronological Investigations in Iran


Dendrochronological research on Juniperus polycarpos growing in west and central Iran reveals that the radial growth in this species depends mainly on the amount of precipitation in the more arid regions. When the amount of rain is sufficient, i.e. above 450 mm, the prevailing summer temperature seems to become the limiting factor. Favorable conditions which prevailed during the periods 1685-1695 and 1790-1800 resulted in better width growth, while less favorable conditions which prevailed during the years 1725-1735 and 1855-1865 resulted in narrow rings.This item is part of the Tree-Ring Research (formerly Tree-Ring Bulletin) archive. It was digitized from a physical copy provided by the Laboratory of Tree-Ring research at The University of Arizona. For more information about this peer-reviewed scholarly journal, please email the Editor of Tree-Ring Research at [email protected]

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