Do PIX® Application Guidelines Change for Bt Cotton?


Two PIX experiments were conducted on commercial cooperator sites in Waddell and Buckeye, Az in 1997 to evaluate the validity of the published University of Arizona (UA) PIX application guidelines for Bt cotton. Experimental treatments consisted of an untreated check, a calendar based application schedule (early bloom, peak bloom, cutout), and a feedback approach using plant growth measurements based on the UA PIX guidelines (height:node ratio, fruit retention). There were no significant yield differences at the Waddell site where height:node ratios and fruit retention values were above the optimum baseline season long, conditions not supportive of PIX applications. There was a significant yield decline at the Buckeye site between the untreated check and the calendar based treatment. Due to low plant vigor season long , there were no feedback based PIX applications. PIX applications under low vigor conditions can further compromise plant vigor and ultimately yield. The UA PIX application use guidelines are valid and should be used for both Bt and non -transgenic Upland cotton varieties

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