

Australia and New Zealand are home to some of the hungriest media consumers in the world. On a per capita basis newspaper and magazine readership in Australia is one of the highest in the world. Australian homes have an average of two television sets and five radios.Internet penetration is high, with almost universal adoption in offices and almost 11 million people using the Internet from home, as of June 2007, in a population of 21 million. The Australian information and communications technology market was worth about US38billionin2007,thethirdlargestintheAsiaPacificregionafterJapanandChina.NewZealand2˘7sinformationtechnology(IT)goodsandservicessectorwasestimatedatalmostUS38 billion in 2007, the third largest in the Asia Pacific region after Japan and China. New Zealand\u27s information technology (IT) goods and services sector was estimated at almost US9 billion. New Zealanders are also major media consumers. This chapter looks first at Australian media and journalism, and then New Zealand before looking briefly at the Pacific.<br /

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