
Different haemodynamic (24-h ambulatory blood-pressure monitoring) and rennin-inhibiting effect of a 1 week treatment with enalapril and lisinopril


Ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate monitoring were used for comparing the antihypertensive effect of a 1-week treatment with enalapril and lisinopril 10 mg once daily (double-blind crossover placebo-controlled d y ). Twelve outpatients with mild to moderate hypertension were treated. Both drugs had a significant and identical hypotensive effect. Neither drug affected the diurnal rhythm of blood pressure or heart rate. Therefore the two drugs are equipotent antihypertensive agents. Both drugs inhibited ACE activity to a highly significant extent, but in this regard lisinopril was more effective than enalapril. However, lisinopril's greater ACE inhibition was not accompanied by a greater hypotensive effect. The clinical value of this difference is not yet established

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