Estudo da integraçao de diversos fatores no manejo de abelhas africanizadas Apis mellifera Linnaeus., 1758 (Hymenoptera : Apidae), na unidade fitogeográfica da floresta com araucária, no sul do Brasil


Abstract: The adequate management of Apis mellifera sCl/lellata hives is very important in order to maintain the productivity and other apicultural qualities, besides the reduction of ectoparasite mites. This research was carried out in Mandirituba, Paraná State, with the following objectives: to evaluate queen substitution through natural development considering brood development, ability to stock food during the winter, and the tolerance of the Africanized bees to the mite í 'arma destrlfC/oc to evaluate the ability of A. m. sClflellaw to collect pollen and to measure the effect of a pollen collector on brood and food quantity; to estimate the correlation between sugar concentration in the nectar \'lith environmental tàctors, such as, hour of day, temperature, relative air humidity, and luminosity Hives with renewed queens by natural development, with less than one year old, \'lere used for ali experiments following the conventional steps, during two periods of two consecutive years. During the winter, the colonies were observed by evaluating he brood number and amount of food, and also the infestation by Varroa, in one comb in each hive, from the beginning of pollen collection to 21 days later. There were signiticant differences for the variables ggslarvae and pupae, honey and pollen, and í: destl'llctor infestation among the colonies with three homogeneous groups for ali variables. In relation to pollen collection there was statistical difference among the hives, indicating the possibility of selecting colonies with high ability to collect this food resource. Afier 21 days of pollen collecting by the foragers, there was a significant increase of pupae, honey, and pollen inside he hives, especially due to the presence of "bracatinga" (A'limosa scabrella) as food resource during the \vinter. There was reduction of brood and honey production when the pollen collector was used for long periods. The correlation between brood and food with the presence of í '. des!f'lIctor v/as weak. Nectar fíOm the "fruto-de-pombo" (Rhamlllls .\phareo.\perma) was available for A. 111. sCl/lellala foragers, with variable sugar concentration according to the period of the day, with the highest mean concentration trom 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. The correlation between sugar concentration and temperature was positive, but oderate; with relative air humidity it was not significant; and with luminosity it was positive, but very weak. It \'las possible to stablish three distinct homogeneous groups of colonies, presenting different productivity of brood, honey, pollen, and T~ deSlrlfC10r tolerance, ranked as superior, medium and inferior. TherefOíe, it was concluded that it is possible and desirable to manage and select colonies with aptitude to collect pollen and nectar and with higher tolerance to r Ltrroa, by using the technique of repiacing the queens periodical1y, besides the adoption of a an adequate poilen collection to avoid negative hive performance

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