
Status and Examples for the Version 06 IMERG Multi-Satellite Products


After five years of development following the launch of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) missionCore Observatory, the GPM data products are now being extended across the joint Tropical Rainfall MeasuringMission (TRMM) and GPM eras. Version 06 of the U.S. GPM team's Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals forGPM (IMERG) merged precipitation product provides a consistent intercalibration for all precipitation productscomputed from individual satellites with the TRMM and GPM Core Observatory sensors as the TRMM- andGPM-era calibrators, respectively, and incorporates monthly surface gauge data. One major change in the basicIMERG algorithm for V06 is that precipitation motion vectors (used to drive the quasi-Lagrangian interpolation,or "morphing") are computed by tracking vertically integrated vapor (TQV) fields analyzed in MERRA2 andGEOS5. This innovation provides globally complete coverage, expanding IMERG's coverage beyond the 60N-Slatitude band previously provided by IR-based vectors, although precipitation over snowy/icy surfaces is stillmasked out as unreliable. A second innovation is that the Quality Index (QI) data field computed for the half-hourlydatasets has been refined to include estimates of correlation at microwave overpass times.We will summarize the processing status for V06 IMERG, for which the retrospective processing shouldbe actively advancing at meeting time. We will show early examples of performance. For example, the TQVmotion vectors are typically slightly better than the IR-based vectors at all latitudes. The transition across theTRMM/GPM data boundary will be discussed, including the necessity of filling in the TRMM-based calibrationsover the latitude band 35-65 in each hemisphere. The notional schedule for the eventual retirement of thepredecessor TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) multi-satellite dataset will be updated as well

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