
Command and Control System Software Development


With the first launch of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Space Launch System heavy-lift expendable launch vehicle and Lockheed Martin's Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle scheduled for the year 2020, there exists a need to complete development of a new command and control system that will provide systems monitoring and launch control for NASA's Exploration Missions. One remaining task necessary for completion of this command and control system is to create and maintain comprehensive unit tests of the control system software packages. These tests should verify that the implementation of all required and desired functionality works as intended. This testing infrastructure is mostly in place, but the control system's open source automation server still reports software "bugs" (possible flaws or failures which may lead to unintended behavior) and intermittently failing unit tests. Since code correctness is of critical importance for human rated software systems, I was assigned to diagnose the root cause of failing unit tests, eliminate non-determinism in these tests, and fix bugs as reported by the automation server

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