AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Morankar Sudhakar Narayan, Health, Behavior and Society, Jimma University, Ethiopia, [email protected]: Researcher has conducted 50 large/small scales research in India and Ethiopia and experienced unexpected dangerous situations during field research despite taking care of ethical rules and regulations. Few dangerous situations are explained here (to be expanded during presentation). Experience: 1. Female respondents' husbands planned to rape female data collectors in remote thick jungle of dacoit area in India due to certain questions in the family planning survey interview. 2. Male researchers were physically beaten by community due to misunderstanding between languages. 3. Field researcher’s vehicle was surrounded by community members with rifles, guns and didn’t allow to collect data detaining more than 4 hours due to not informing to village head in advance and entering village suddenly. 4. Community became angry after 2 days friendly field data collection in the village and surrounded the vehicle of field researchers with sticks, rifles, guns due to dacoits robbed the village during previous night considering field researchers as messengers to dacoits. 5. On the way to rural area for data collection before stopping researcher’s vehicle in one village by villagers having sticks, sharp weapons, stones in hands who was in attacking mood pelted small stone on the vehicle to stop it in Ethiopia. Ethnic riots were suddenly erupted in the area without the knowledge of researchers. There was ethical clearance from the government, district administration and police were informed detailed program of our research. But such situation nobody expected. If this incidence would have occurred what is the ethical solution for it