Power conditioning optimization for ultra low voltage wearable thermoelectric devices using self-sustained multi-stage charge pump


Waste heat energy recovery from human body utilizing the thermoelectric generator (TEG) has shown potential in the generation of electrical energy. However, the level of heat source from the human body restricts the temperature deviation as compared to ambient temperature (approximately 3~10 °C in difference), thereby yielding an ultra-low voltage (ULV) normally less than 100 mV. This research aims at generating power from the TEG by harnessing human body temperature as the heat source to power up wearable electronic devices realizing a self-sustain system. However, power conversion of the TEG has typically low efficiency (less than 12%), requiring proper design of its power regulation system. The generated ULV marked the lowest energy conversion factor and improvement is therefore required to validate the use of ULV generated from human body temperature. This problem was addressed by proposing an improved solution to the power regulation of the ULV type TEG system based on the DC-DC converter approach, namely a multi-stage charge pump, with specifications restricted at the ULV source. Performances of the TEG connected in multiple array configurations with the generated source voltage fed into fabricated charge pump circuit to boost and regulate the voltage from the ULV into the low voltage (LV) region were analyzed. The maximum source voltage (20 mV) was referred and simulated in the LT Spice software and used as a benchmark to be compared with the voltage generated by the fabricated charge pump circuits. Error performances of the fabricated charge pump circuits were further analyzed by manipulating the circuits’ parameters, namely, the switching frequency and the capacitance values. It was found that the proposed method was able to handle the ULV source voltage with proper tuning on its component parameters. The overall power conversion efficiency of 26.25% was achieved based on the performance evaluation values for components applied in this research. Hence, this proved the viability of thermoelectric applications in ULV using the proposed power regulation system

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