
Models of Earth's Atmosphere (120 to 1000 Km)


Atmospheric conditions encountered by a spacecraft in orbit about the Earth are important factors in space vehicle design, mission planning, and mission operations. Density is the primary atmospheric property that affects the spacecraft's orbital altitude, lifetime, and motion in the altitude range of 120 to 1000 kilometers. Near the lower limit of this range where density is greatest, a spacecraft will generally remain in orbit for a very short time; near the upper limit, the density effect on orbital lifetime is almost negligible. Density directly affects the torques which result from aerodynamic interaction between the space vehicle and the atmosphere; such torques must be considered in design of spacecraft attitude control systems. Density scale height is required in heating calculations for space vehicles re-entering the Earth's upper atmosphere. Density as well as chemical composition and temperature are needed in calculating a spacecraft's drag coefficient. Chemical composition and temperature also are required in the design of experiment sensors to be flown in this altitude range. Because of variability of atmospheric conditions with spatial location and solar condition, invariant models of the Earth's atmosphere (120 to 1000 kilometers) would not be useful for most engineering applications. Therefore, this monograph presents a computerized version of Jacchia's prediction method to provide models of the Earth's atmosphere which vary with solar condition and location. The resulting atmospheric models, which are predicted for particular times and locations, provide atmospheric density, chemical composition, temperature, molecular mass, and density scale height between 120 and 1000 kilometers altitude. In addition to the computerized method, a quick-look prediction method is given that may be used to obtain an estimate of atmospheric density for any time and spatial location without the use of a computer. A sample problem illustrates this method. Both methods provide models of mean density and models having reasonable upper extremes for density. The analytical approaches in both methods are considered to be the best available, but they could be refined considerably by additional data and study. Information contained in this monograph applies to altitudes between 120 and 1000 kilometers; other design criteria monographs in this series will provide atmospheric information below this altitude region

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