Analysis of the containership chartermarket 1983-1992: In relation to the design characteristics of containerships


What is a good containership? This depends to a large extent on the perspective of the person answering the question, such as the shipowner, the naval architect, the shipyard, the banker, the terminal operator, etcetera. This book attempts to answer the question from the perspective of the chartermarket. How do containerships actually perform and do some ships consistently out- or under perform the market-average? The rationale for the study is the wellknown expression from the stockexchange "The market is always right". In order to base the answers on a sufficiently number of data, we have taken the ten year period from 1983 to 1992, covering some 7000 charterfixtu res. The analysis draws an indepth picture of the containership chartermarket and shows the ships which have above or below average performance. This group of ships is further analysed in terms of design characteristics, which represents valuable feedback from the market to the shipdesigners. Therefore the book is a must for all those involved in the design, operation, chartering, shipbroking and financing of containerships.Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineerin

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