The Easy Way to Understand: BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR


This is the first edition book designed for those who want to understand Basic English Grammar easily. This book is also designed for them who want to learn grammar without being busy to memorize the patterns of grammar. The writer’s experience in teaching grammar concludes that the book used so far is so complicated, too broad and hard for the beginner students who focus on learning English in the first year in the college level. It is a reason for the writer to develop a simple grammar book that is easier to understand. The book does not require students to remember the pattern of grammar a lot, yet it is designed to ask students comprehend the grammar used in the context. As the purpose of learning grammar is not only to understand and memorize grammar, but also to help students able to write accurately using appropriate grammar, so this book provides some practices to develop students to write using correct grammar. Moreover, the writer also takes some theories, examples and exercises from the valuable books, so that the writer wants to say thank you for those books taken as the references. The writer is happy to finish this book as it is very beneficial and appropriate with the students’ needs and level. Moreover, The Easy Way To Understand Basic English Grammar becomes the writer’s first experience in writing an academic book

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