

The green tea cultivar \u27Yabukita\u27 has been cultivated since the 1970s and is grown in about 75% of all tea fields in Japan. However, monoculture cultivation of \u27Yabukita\u27 has resulted in severe disease problems, such as outbreaks of tea anthracnose caused by Discula theae-sinensis (I. Miyake) Moriwaki & Toy. Sato, comb. nov. and tea gray blight caused by Pestalotiopsis longiseta(Spegazzini) Dai et Kobayashi. Therefore, there is a need to develop a tea cultivar with disease resistance superior to that of \u27Yabukita\u27. We bred a new green tea cultivar, ‘Saeakari’, Which has disease resistance, semi-early budding, and high yield and makes a high-quality green tea. ‘Saeakari’ originated at the Makurazaki Tea Research Station of NARO Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science in 1989 from a cross between seedlings of ‘Z1’ (with vigorous growth and gray blight resistance) and ‘Saemidori’ (of high quality and with early budding). ‘Saeakari’ was selected as ‘Makura-kei 46-11’ in 1997, and was then tested for clonal plants in the tea fields at Makurazaki. Since 1992 it has been distributed as ‘Makurazaki No.30’ to 14 prefectural experimental stations in the tea-growing districts for local adaptability testing. It was Registered by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as “Cha Norin No.55” on 28 March 2011. ‘Saeakari’ is semi-early budding, and at Makurazaki the plucking period of the first crop is 4 or 5 days earlier than that of ‘Yabukita’. The plant has a semi-spreading shape, and growth is vigorous. ‘Saeakari’ is resistant to both anthracnose and gray blight, and its use could therefore reduce the need to apply fungicides, the yield of ‘Saeakari’ is consistently higher than that of ‘Yabukita’ and ‘Saemidori’. The green tea quality of the first crop of this cultivar was equal to that of the high-quality cultivar ‘Saemidori’ and was superior to that of ‘Yabukita’. The green tea quality of the second and third crops of ‘Saeakari’ was superior to those of ‘Saemidori’ and ‘Yabukita’. Cutting propagation of ‘Saeakari’ is easy, and the plants grow vigorously. These results suggest that ‘Saeakari’ is superior to ‘Yabukita’ in terms of cultivation characteristics, disease resistance, yield, and green tea quality. Similar results were obtained in local adaptability tests at the 14 prefectural experimental stations. ‘Saeakari’ is suitable for cultivation it the Tokai, Kinki, Shikoku, and Kyushu regions of Japan and is expected to replace ‘Yabukita’

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