

For decades Japanese scholars have been willing to import and apply Euro-America-centered research paradigrms not only in the natural sciences but also in the social sciences and the humanities. They have been doing so without trying to devejop their own-Western frames of research. Today Japanese reseachers are expected to develop new research paradigms and perspectives based on their own Japanese cultural background and to contribute these to the international academic arena. This paper provides scholars of Japanese culture with a distincly Asian paradigm for future research, theory construstion, and methodological development.To achieve these goals, first, Western views of interpersonal relationships are discussed. Then the Buddhist en-based world view and its influence on Japanese human relationships are described. Next, general systems theory is introduced, suggesting its possible application to Japanese human relationships psychology. Finally, a hypothetical cosmic systems framework based on the Buddhist en-belief is proposed to conceptualize Japanese human relationships and help promote research in the area

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