

In 1992, a 5 m core was recovered from Lake Kestel, which is located on the southern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating and stable carbon isotope (13C/12C) analysis were made on both plant remains and lipids from the core sediments.AMS radiocarbon dates of plant remains showed that the sediment was deposited at a relatively constant rate (0.21 cm/year), suggesting a record of the environmental changes during the last 2000 years. The initial radiocarbon contents (A0) in lipids were in the range of 30-90 percent modern carbon (pMC) and tend to vary inversely as 13C/12C change in lipids. Such a low content of A0 in lipids was introduced by an influx of lipids with less 14C contents from the surrounding soil. Therefore, the A0 in surrounding soil to the lake sediment in the past, possibly relating to hydrological and environmental changes such as precipitation and evaporation

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