Embedding 21st Century Skills in Pre-service Teacher Training: A Case Study from the Maldives


The new curriculum framework of the Maldives attempts to incorporate competencies that are closely linked with 21st century skills. However, one of the major challenges is training teachers who will deliver the new curricula. This case study describes how the Faculty of Educational Studies of Villa College designed its preservice teacher training programme in primary teaching to incorporate 21st century skills and outlines the challenges that are being faced by the faculty during its implementation. One of the major challenges identified was the difficulty student-teachers had in applying the newly learnt skills to varying school cultures during their teaching practicum. Focus group interviews involving faculty staff suggests that organizational cultures within attached schools play a critical role in the process and that training providers need to focus on this in developing the training framework. In addition, the study finds that lecturers’ awareness of 21st century skills, especially the knowledge and skills in the integration of ICT, is a constraint in the training process and therefore, requires special attention. Furthermore, shortcomings in programme orientation for staff are raised and the challenge of meeting the requirements of the diploma exit is noted

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