Students’ Perception toward Intensive Program of Foreign Language (PIBA) Roles in Developing Speaking Ability of Third Semester Student of Third Semester of Adab and Humanity Faculty


This research describe about the perception which aimed know the students’ perception toward intensive program of Foreign Language roles in speaking ability of third semester student of Adab and Humanity Faculty. This research used mixed method of Quantitative and qualitative method. The instrument of the research were Interview sheet and questionnaire which consisted of 20 close ended question. The analysis of the data was based on the theory of Jordan et. Who talked about perception.The finding of this research showed that the majority of third semester of Adab and Humanity faculty gave positive perception towards roles English speaking in Intensive program of Foreign Language. The researcher revealed that the third semester student of Adab and Humanity Faculty gave positive perception towards roles in speaking ability on Intensive Program of Foreign Language at State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar. They perceived they have fluency improvement (42.86%), good pronunciation (42.57%), vocabulary improvement (64.29%), motivation (62.86%) after join PIBA. The researcher concludes that the third semester student of Adab and Humanity Faculty of State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar gave good perception toward Intensive Program of Foreign Language (PIBA)

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