Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. Faculty of Economics in Osijek. Chair of Marketing.
Kako bi se definirala sama primjena mobilnog marketinga u bankarstvu potrebno je pobliže se
upoznati sa samim načinom funkcioniranja banaka i bankarskog sustava. Sve brži razvoj
tehnologija i sve veća, lakša i brža dostupnost informacija, utječu na sve veću informiranost
populacije, stoga i banke nastoje držati korak te ulažu sve veće napore u prilagođavanje
potrebama svojih klijenata. Primjena mobilnog marketinga u bankarskom sektoru s jedne je
strane uvelike unaprijedila poslovanje banaka i povećala njihov profit, dok je s druge strane
klijentima pružila nove usluge i mogućnosti koje prate razvoj tehnologija i uvelike olakšavaju
primjenu bankarskih usluga i proizvoda. Suvremene tehnologije i sve brži ritam života, kako
privatnog tako i poslovnog, zahtijevaju od banaka prilagođavanje potrebama svojih klijenata.
Razvoj raznih aplikacija i sve brži internet, poboljšavaju razinu i brzinu usluga koje banke
nude putem aplikacija. Također, kroz povećanje brzine usluge i lakšu dostupnost novih
proizvoda, povećava se i profit banaka te se lakše dolazi do povratnih informacija od strane
klijenata koje utječu na daljnji razvoj i primjenu novih proizvoda i usluga. Primjena mobilnog
marketinga razlikuje se od banke do banke. Mobilni marketing prisutan je već duži niz godina
u naše dvije najveće banke, Zagrebačkoj i Privrednoj banci Zagreb. Njih dvije može se
smatrati predvodnicama mobilnog marketinga. Za potrebe diplomskog rada napravljen je
dubinski intervju sa članom odjela za marketing Zagrebačke banke.In order to define the application of mobile marketing in banking, it is necessary to get
acquainted with the way banking and banking system function. The acceleration of
technological development and the increased availability of information raise public
awareness, therefore banks try to keep pace and make bigger effort to adapt to their client's
needs. On the one hand, the application of mobile marketing in banking sector greatly
improved banks' business and increased their profits, whereas, on the other hand, it provided
customers with new services and opportunities that follow technological development and
greatly facilitate the application of banking services and products. Modern technologies and
the fast pace of modern life, both private and business, require banks to adapt to the needs of
their clients. The development of various applications and faster Internet, improve the level
and speed of services that banks offer through applications. Also, with the increasing speed of
service and easier access to new products, the profit of banks increases and customer feedback
is easier to reach, which affects further development and application of new products and
services. The application of mobile marketing differs from bank to bank. Mobile marketing
has been present for years in two largest Croatian banks, Zagrebačka banka and Privredna
banka Zagreb. We can consider these two as the forerunners of mobile marketing. For the
purpose of this graduate paper, I did a face-to-face interview with a member of the marketing
department of Zagrebačka banka