
Posljednji popis vaskularne flore općine Slatina datira iz 1957. i odnosi se isključivo na grad Slatinu. Novi podaci rezultat su kontinuiranih istraživanja na području Slatine od 2009.Trenutno istraživanje, obuhvaćajući popis vaskularne flore po MTB/16 kvadrantima,revidiralo je stare podatke i proširilo područje istraživanja na okolna sela pokrivajući površinu od 65 km2. Ukupno su pronađene 663 svojte: 631 vrsta i 32 podvrste iz 363 roda i 97porodica. Zabilježene svojte klasificirane su prema životnim oblicima te korološkim i stanišnim tipovima. Učinjena je analiza alohtone i zaštićene flore te stanišnih tipova. Ukupan broj svojti unutar MTB/16 kvadranata, kao i raspon životnih oblika te korotipova, korelirani su sa statistikom MTB/16 kvadranata prema varijabilnosti klasa zemljišnog pokrova i geomorfometrijskih varijabli dobivenih iz digitalnog modela reljefa.The last complete checklist of vascular flora regarding the Slatina District dates back to 1957 and refers specifically to the town of Slatina. The recent data are the result of ongoing botanical research in the area of Slatina since 2009. Current research, which comprises inventory of entire vascular flora on MTB/16 quadrants, has revised the old data and expanded the investigation area to surrounding villages, covering approximately 65 km2. As a result, 663 taxa have been found in total: 631 species and 32 subspecies classified into 363 genera and 97 families. All recorded taxa were classified into life-forms, chorological elements and habitat types. Analyses were conducted regarding the allochthonous and protected flora, as well as habitat types. Total number of taxa, life-form and chorotype spectra within MTB/16 quadrants, were correlated with MTB/16 quadrant statistics of variability of landcover classes and geomorphometrical variables derived from digital elevation model

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