Fuel Calculation for MRJT Aircraft


U završnom radu definiran je i objašnjen utjecaj mase na performanse zrakoplova, pojam politike planiranja goriva te su objašnjene vrste goriva koje se planiraju u prijeletnom izračunu. Definirani su uvjeti koje ruta i alternativni aerodrom trebaju zadovoljavati, te je odabrana ruta, alternativni aerodrom i visina leta. Prikazane su metode proračuna potrošnje goriva, određivanje pozicije točke jednakog vremena i točke sigurnog povratka za odabranu rutu za generički mlazni zrakoplov srednjeg doleta. Definirana je nadopuna goriva i indeks troškova.In this thesis, it's defined and explained the influence of the mass on the aircraft's performance, the definition of the fuel policy and fuel types within the preflight calculations are explained. Defined are the conditions which the route and the alternative aerodromes have to fulfil and the route, alternative airport and the flight level have been chosen. Shown are the methods of the fuel consumption calculations, the point of equal time and point of safe return for the selected route for medium range jet transport (MRJT) aircraft. The fuel tankering and cost index are defined

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