Between Literary Genres: "Chion of Heracleia"


Predmet je ovoga rada djelo anonimnog autora Hion iz Herakleje. Riječ je o romanu u pismima iz 1. stoljeća pr. Kr. Djelo se sastoji od 17 pisama čija radnja započinje odlaskom glavnog junak Hiona na školovanje u Atenu kod Platona, ali kada je doznao da je u Herakleji zavladao tiranin Klearh, odluči se vratiti kući te spasiti svoj narod. U radu se proučavaju karakteristike koje to djelo čine romanom, a koje ga povezuju s fikcionalnom epistolarnom zbirkom.The subjest of this final project is the work of an unknown author Hion of Hreaclea. This work is a epistolary novel from 1. century BC. The work contains seventeen letters in which hero Chion goes to philosophical school in Athens, but after he finds out that the tyrant Chlearhus is in Heraclea, he decided to return home and save his people. This final project examines the characteristics of this work by the novel, and which one are linked to the fictional epistolary collestion

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