Active tourism on the Croatian coast and islands


U radu su definirani aktivni turizam i hrvatska obala i otoci. Zatim su navedeni vrste i oblici aktivnog turizma, kako bi se bolje mogla razraditi sama tema završnog rada. Detaljno se prikazuje stanje turizma, potom stanje aktivnog turizma na hrvatskoj obali i otocima te ponuda i potencijali za razvoj aktivnog turizma. Zatim se detaljno opisuje pet izdvojenih gradova hrvatske obale i otoka: Rovinj, Bol na Braču. Biograd na Moru, Vodice i Konavle. Gradovi su izabrani po regijama te je opširnije opisana njihova ponuda aktivnog turizma. I na samom kraju su prikazane smjernice budućeg razvoja aktivnog turizma u Hrvatskoj.The final work defines active tourism and Croatian coast and islands. Active tourism is then listed in the types and forms of activities, in order to better understand the topic of the final work. There is also status of tourism and active tourism of Croatian coast and islands and the offer and the potential for development of active tourism. There is also described five towns of the Croatian coast and islands: Rovinj, Bol on Brac, Biograd, Vodice and Konavle. Cities are chosen by region, and their offer of active tourism is detail described. And at the end are presented guidelines of Development of active tourism in Croatia

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