
Pragmatic Analysis of Anger Expression Used by Netizen On Rohingya Refugees In Website


This study focuses on (1) the intentions of anger expression in the comment (2) the implicatures of anger expression (3) the maxim violation of anger expression in comments taken from washingtonpost about Rohingyas news. This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research. The data are obtained by using documentation method. The data used in this study are the comments containing anger expression. In determining the anger, the researcher uses tone analyzer and APIs website. There are 29 data to be analyzed. The data find in this research are analyzed using Yule’s theory (1996) for the intentions of anger expressions, Grice's theory for the implicatures of anger expression, and Cutting’s theory (2002) for the maxim violation of anger expressions. The results of this study are eight kinds of intentions of anger expressions, they are blaming (38%), mocking (17%), accusing (14%), questioning (7%), complaining (10%), threatening ( 4%), suggesting (3%), and commanding (7%). The most dominant intentions on the comment are blaming. Not all the netizen take sides on Islam and Rohingya refugees. Some netizen blame the Rohingya for occupying the land which is not theirs. In this data researcher finds two types of implicatures, they are conventional (13,8%) and conversational (86,2%). For maxim violation the researcher finds (41%) for violating maxim of quantity, (24%) for violating maxim of quality, (31%) for violating maxim of manner, (4%) for violating maxim of relation. The result from this study is indeed different from the previous research because netizen’s comments on the website have never been researched before. Therefore, this study can complete the research about anger expression

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