Influence of foliar treatments on morphology and pomological characteristics of "Oblačinske" sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) fruit


Istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja folijarnih tretmana na morfologiju, odnosno vegetativni i generativni potencijal „Oblačinske“ višnje provedeno je u voćnjaku obiteljskog gospodarstva Branković u Kruševici,Brodsko-posavska županija. Oblačinska višnja koju smo odabrali za pokus posađena je u sklopu od 1111 komada po hektaru (4,5 x 2 m) na vlastitom korijenu. Pokus je uključivao tretmanekombinacijom folijarnih gnojiva (N, K, Si, B, Zn) i ekstrakta algi te je postavljen po slučajnom bloknom rasporedu.Tretmani su uključivali 3 međusobno odvojena bloka ponavljanja (repeticije). Svako ponavljanje je uključivalo 5 stabala (ukupno 15 stabala po tretmanu). Kontrolna stabla (3 repeticije, 15 stabala) bila su tretirana istom količinom vode bez dodataka folijarnih gnojiva i algi.Kombinacija mikro elemenata (B, ZN, Si) i makro elemenata (N, K) pokazala je realan potencijal kao agrotehnička mjera u proizvodnji višnje, naručito u režimu bez navodnjavanja. Ciljana folijarna aplikacija poboljšala je dinamiku i distribuciju hraniva unutar stabla čime se postigla bolja uniformiranost vegetativnih i generativnih elemenata. Realizacija generativnog potencijala (zametanje plodova) u odnosu na inicijalni plodni set te funkcionalni rast i konzistenstnost do fenofaze zrenja značajno je poboljšana tretmanima folijarnim gnojivima. Kontrolirana i precizna gnojidba po fenofazama rezultirala je većim prinosom unatoč stresnim uvijetima.The research aimed at determining the influence of foliar treatments on morphology, ie the vegetative and generative potential of "Oblačinska" cherries, was carried out in the Branković family farm in Kruševica, Brodsko-Posavska County. The sour cherry we chose for the experiment were planted within 1111 pieces per hectare (4.5 x 2 m) on their own root. The trial included treatments with a combination of foliar fertilizers (N, K, Si, B, Zn) and algae extracts, and was set up by random block schedule. Treatments included 3 interdependent repetition blocks. Each repetition involved 5 trees (a total of 15 trees per treatment). Control trees (3 reps, 15 trees) were treated with the same amount of water without the addition of foil and algae. The combination of micro elements (B, ZN, Si) and macro elements (N, K) showed a realistic potential as an agrotechnical measure in cherry production without irrigation regime. The target foil application has improved the dynamics and distribution of nutrients within the tree, thus achieving a better uniformity of vegetative and generative elements. Realization of the generative potential (seed production) in relation to the initial fruit set and the functional growth and consistency of the ripening phenophase has been significantly improved by the treatment of foliar fertilizers. Controlled and precise fertilization by phenophases resulted in higher yields despite stressful condition

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