Mycelium cultivation of the mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus on beech sawdust


Otpad nastao preradom bukve (lat. Fagus sylvatica) jedna je od lignoceluloznih sirovina na kojima se može temeljiti razvoj budućih biotehnoloških procesa u Republici Hrvatskoj. Stoga je u ovom radu korištena bukova piljevina kao glavna sirovina za uzgoj na čvrstom supstratu. Kao radni organizam je korištena gljiva Pleurotus ostreatus (hrv. bukovača) koja zahvaljujući svom lignolitičkom sustavu selektivno razgrađuje lignin i hemicelulozu i može naći višestruku biotehnološku primjenu. Tijekom 6 tjedana uzgoja u malom mjerilu u podlozi sa 60 % vlage pri prosječnoj temperaturi 27 °C povremeno je provedeno protresanje podloge, pri čemu je vizualno praćen rast biomase, a kemijske analize, FTIR-spektri i mikroskopsko promatranje uzoraka su napravljeni u odgovarajućim vremenskim intervalima tijekom uzgoja micelija. Unatoč protresanju, micelij je rastao vrlo sporo jer su prevladavali anaerobni uvjeti zbog malih dimenzija čestica piljevine i velike vlažnosti podloge. Stoga nije bilo značajnih promjena sastava hranjive podloge kao ni značajnih razlika u dobivenim FTIR-spektrima.Waste generated by the processing of beech (lat. Fagus sylvatica) is one of the lignocellulosic materials that can be used in the development of future biotechnological processes in the Republic of Croatia. Therefore, we used beech sawdust as the main raw material for the solid-state cultivation. As the working organism, we used the mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom), which, thanks to its ligninolytic system, selectively degrades lignin and hemicellulose and has multiple biotechnological applications. During the 6 weeks of small-scale cultivation, in a medium with 60% humidity and at an average temperature of 27°C, the bottles containing the medium were periodically shaken, during which we visually monitored the biomass growth. The chemical analyses, FTIR spectra and microscopic observations of the samples were made at appropriate intervals throughout the mycelium cultivation. Despite the shaking, the mycelium grew very slowly because of the prevailing anaerobic conditions due to the small size of the sawdust particles and the high humidity. Therefore, there were no significant changes in the chemical composition of the culture medium or significant differences in the FTIR spectra

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