Tourism imagology nad identity tradhionalisation


Rad istražuje imagologiju prostora zemalja na Balkanu i Orijentu. Temelji se na pregledu predrasuda i predodžbi koje o istom prostoru gaje mnogi autori stoljećima. Razlažu se razlozi nastanka heteropredodžbi i autopredodžbi. Predstavlja se imaginarij koji je do sada vladao nad područjem Republike Hrvatske, tražeći istovremeno način za stvaranje novog imaginarija. Djelomično se ulazi u ispitivanje istinitosti, odnosno vjerodostojnosti predodžbi i njihova nastanka, uzimajući u obzir metodologiju –istraživanje, a ne presuđivanje o istinitosti. Uzimaju se u obzir različita stajališta različitih autora o imaginariju nastalom na području Balkana i Orijenta ili na drugim područjima o tim područjima. U radu se proučavaju načini kojima se različiti identiteti stvaraju, poput identiteta Balkana i Orijenta, te načini kojima njihov razvoj funkcionira do točke uvrštenja umjetno stvorenog identiteta u općeprihvaćenu stvarnost.The paper addresses the issue of imagology of the territory covered by the countries located on the Balkans and in the Orient. It is based on an overview of prejudices and perceptions concerning the same territory held by a large number of authors throughout the centuries. Moreover, it elaborates on the causes of the origins both of hetero-perceptions and auto-perceptions. It presents the thus far predominant imaginarium throughout the Republic of Croatia, striving simultaneously to find ways to provide a new imaginarium. In addition, it partly tackles also the questioning of truthfulness or authenticity of perceptions and their creation, whilst taking into account the methodology –it is actually a research rather than focusing on the provision of judgements on the truthfulness. The paper also considers different attitudes assumed by various authors on the imaginarium originating on the territories located on the Balkans and inthe Orient or the predominant attitudes assumed on other territories about the previously mentioned territories. Furthermore, the paper studies the ways in which different identities are created, such as the identity of the Balkans and the Orient and the ways in which their development functions until they reach a point of inclusion of an artificially created identity into a generally accepted reality

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