Development of Democratic Institutions in Athens


Pregled povijesti atenskog ustava je zapravo put od nastanka monarhije do razvoja demokracije. Prvo državno uređenje koje je antička Atena imala bilo je monarhijsko. Postojale su dinastije čiji su nasljedni kraljevi vladali. Vremenom kraljevska dužnost postaje izborna, a pojavom arhonta i polemarha gubi političku moć. Početkom 8. st. pr. Kr. monarhiju zamjenjuje vladavina aristokracije. Arhonat i areopaško vijeće su važne institucije tog razdoblja koje je obilježila borba među aristokratskim plemstvom. U Ateni nije bilo pisanih zakona do 621. g. pr. Kr. jer je do tada vladalo običajno pravo. Pisanje prvih zakona u Ateni koji nisu sačuvani u cijelosti, pripisuje se aristokratu Drakonu, a bili su na lošem glasu zbog navodno nemilosrdnih propisa. Tijekom 6. st. pr. Kr. reforme aristokrata Solona i vladavina tiranina Pizistrata su oslabile utjecaj aristokracije i tako otvorile prostor za veće institucionalne promjene u budućnosti. Među Solonovim reformama je bilo stvaranje novog vijeća uz postojanje starog areopaškog vijeća. Građani su se mogli žaliti na postupanje državnih službenika sudu, pa su bili zaštićeni od samovolje vladajućih, što prije nije bio slučaj. Tiranin Pizistrat nije ukidao Solonove propise, a njegova vladavina je imala pozitivnu ulogu u suzbijanju moći aristokrata. Klisten je čovjek čija je uloga u političkoj povijesti Atene nemjerljiva. Napravio je opsežnu reformu ustava koja se tiče upravljačkog, vojnog i pravosudnog sustava. Pripisuje mu se uvođenje ostracizma, postupka koji je trebao zaštiti ustav od ugroze tiranije. Sljedeće stoljeće je bilo doba procvata najveće antičke demokracije. Prvo je Efijalt dokrajčio posljednje tračke aristokratske moći koji izviru iz ovlasti areopaškog vijeća. Potom je njegov suradnik Periklo nastavio s radom zbog kojega se njegovo ime povezuje sa demokracijom i zlatnim dobom Atene. Razvijena je funkcionalna vladavina naroda, a tako se naziva jer su svi imovinski razredi imali svoj udio u političkom životu. Narodna skupština je najvažnija institucija ovog vremena. No, ipak u plodovima demokracije su mogli uživati samo punopravni građani. Atensko državno uređenje doživljava turbulencije krajem 5. st. pr. Kr., ali oligarhijska vlast se ne zadržava dugo te se ukida. Reformatori ustava antičke Atene ostat će zabilježeni u povijesti kao ljudi koji su postavili temelje političkog funkcioniranja zapadne civilizacije.History of Athenian constitution is actually a path from the establishment of monarchy to the development of democracy. First governmental organization of ancient Athens was monarchy. It had dynasties whose hereditary kings ruled. In a later stage kings were elected, and by emergence of archont and polemarch, kings had lost their political powers. By the beginning of the 8th century BC aristocracy grasped the power and monarchy was overthrown. Archonty and the Areopagus council were important institutions of the period which was marked by the contest within aristocracy. There were no written laws in Athens till 621 BC, because custom laws were in force. Writing of the first laws in Athens, which are not preserved, was attributed to aristocrat Draco, and they had bad reputation because of alleged ruthless regulations. During the 6th century BC reforms of aristocrat Solon and reign of tyrant Pisistratus weakened influence of aristocracy and opened space for greater institutional changes in the future. Among Solon's reforms was creation of a new council (boule) alongside the old Areopagus council. Citizens could complain to court about work of state officials, so they were protected from self-will of regime, which was not the case in the previous period. Tyrant Pisistratus did not abolish Solon's laws, and his reign had positive effect in suppression of aristocratic power. Cleistenes was a man of an immeasurable role in political history of Athens. He made extensive reform of the constitution concerning governmental, military and judicial systems. Introduction of ostracism was attributed to him, which was a process that was to protect constitution of threat of tyranny. Next century was the age of florescence of greatest ancient democracy. Ephialtes first finished off last traces of aristocratic power that sprung from authorities of the Areopagus council. Than his associate Pericles continued the work, which was the reason why his name is connected with democracy and golden age of Athens. Functional rule of people was developed, and it is called like that because all property classes could participate in political life. Assembly (ekklesia) was the most important institution of the period. But, only the full-fledged citizens could enjoy fruits of democracy. Athenian constitution went through a turbulent period by the end of 5th century BC, but in the end the oligarhic regime was abolished. Reformators of the ancient Athenian constitution will be recorded as people who built foundations of political functioning of the Western civilization

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