Comparison of dietary intake of bakery products in Dalmatia and Lika adult population


Žitarice čine bazu prehrambene piramide i preporučen dnevni unos iznosi 6-11 porcija na dan, od čega bi bar tri porcije trebale biti cjelovite žitarice. U Hrvatskoj dnevnom unosu žitarica najviše doprinose razne vrste pekarskih proizvoda poput kruha i peciva. Ovo ispitivanje dio je većeg ispitivanja prehrambenih navika odrasle populacije RH koje je provela Hrvatska agencija za hranu. Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati navike konzumacije pekarskih proizvoda ispitanika s područja Dalmacije, Like i Banovine, te procijeniti dnevni unos soli iz istih. Za prikupljanje podataka korišten je upitnik 24-satnog prisjećanja, veličine porcija utvrđene su korištenjem atlasa s fotografijama, a učestalost konzumacije kroz dodatna pitanja. Kategorije u koje su razvrstani pekarski proizvodi su crni, bijeli, polubijeli, raženi, ostale vrste kruha, te peciva, a temeljem rezultata zaključeno je kako prevladava unos vrsta kruha i peciva od rafiniranog brašna. Dnevni unosi soli putem pekarskih proizvoda čini oko polovice dnevno preporučenog unosa.Cereals make the base of the food pyramid with a recommended daily intake is 6-11 serving per day, from which at least 3 should be from whole grain. In Croatia, the major contributor to daily cereal intake are various bakery products, such as bread and rolls. This research is a part of a bigger study whose aim is to analyze dietary habits of adult population of Republic of Croatia, carried out by the Croatian Food Agency. The aim of this paper was to determine dietary habits with respect to bakery products of participants from the area of Dalmatia and Lika and Banovina, and to assess daily salt intake from these products. To gather data, 24- hour recall questionnaire was used and portion sizes were determined by using the atlas with photos, and frequency of consumption was determined through additonal questions. Categories in which the bakery products were grouped are brown, white, semi-white bread, rye, other types of bread, and rolls, with the conclusion that consumption of bread types from refined flour are dominant. Bakery products contribute to salt intake with about half of the daily recommended intake

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