Production lines of factory Karolina Ltd.


Cilj ovoga rada je bio prikazati proizvodnju keksa, vafla, trajnog slanog peciva i ekstrudiranih snack-proizvoda. Međusobno se razlikuju u načinu pripreme sirovina, primijenjenoj recepturi, strukturi dobivenog tijesta te načinu pečenja. Vafel list je proizvod nastao pečenjem tekućeg tijesta što rezultira njegovom poroznom strukturom. Keksi su proizvodi dobiveni pečenjem tvrdog oblikovanog tijesta, a trajno slano pecivo su proizvodi čije se tijesto nakon zamjesa i oblikovanja uranja u lužnatu otopinu kako bi se postigla prhka površina i sjaj. Snack-proizvodi se dobivaju procesom ekstrudiranja. U svakom poglavlju opisan je način pripreme sirovina i tehnološki postupak proizvodnje navedenih proizvoda.The aim of this thesis was to present the production of biscuits, wafers, long-life pastry and extruded snack products. They differ in the way raw materials are prepared, in the application of a certain recipe, in the obtained structure of the dough and the way of baking. Wafer sheet is a product made by baking liquid dough which results in its porous structure. Biscuits are products obtained by baking hard and moulded dough. Long-life pastry is a product which should be immersed in an alkaline solution after mixing of the dough what results in a friable and shiny surface. Snack products are made by extrusion. In each chapter, tehnological process of the production and methods of preparing raw materials are described

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