Impact of different agricultural operations on produced mechanical vibrations that affect the operator hand-arm system in relation to the working hours of tractor


U radu su prikazani rezultati mjerenja istraţivanja rukovatelja strojem s obzirom na broj radnih sati istog stroja tijekom dvije agrotehničke sezone mjerenja. Izmjerene su razine traktorskih vibracija koje djeluju na sustav ruka - šaka rukovatelja pri različitim agrotehničkim podlogama u skladu s propisanim normama HRN ISO 2631-1, HRN ISO 5349-1 i HRN ISO 5349-2. Sva mjerenja su obavljena na traktoru proizvoĎača LANDINI tipa POWERFARM 100 na proizvodnim površinama i pristupnim cestama srednje Poljoprivredne i veterinarske škole Osijek. Mjerenja su obavljana ureĎajem za mjerenje vibracija MMF VM30 koje utječu na sustav ruka - šaka. Rezultati istraţivanja ne prelaze dopuštene vrijednosti vibracija koje utječu na sustav ruka – šaka rukovatelja poljoprivrednog traktora niti će ugroziti njegovo zdravlje.The paper presents the results of the survey of the operator of the machine according to the number of working hours of the same machine during the two agro-seasonal measurements. The levels of traction vibrations measured on the arm system of handlers are measured at different agrotechnical surfaces in accordance with the prescribed standards HRN ISO 2631-1, HRN ISO 5349-1 and HRN ISO 5349-2. All measurements were made on the tractor of the LANDINI type POWERFARM 100 on production areas and access roads of the Central Agricultural and Veterinary School Osijek. The measurements were performed by an IMF VM30 vibration measuring device which affects the hand - arm system. The results of the research do not exceed the permissible vibration values which affect the hand - arm of the operator of the agricultural tractor or will jeopardize its healt

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