Preparation of biodiesel with ionic liquids


Biodizel predstavlja zamjenu za fosilna goriva koja, osim što se zalihe smanjuju, predstavljaju i opasnost za okoliš zbog stvaranja stakleničkih plinova. Danas sve više raste svijest ljudi o potrebi zaštite okoliša pa se u sintezi biodizela nastoje rabiti manje štetna otapala, djelotvorniji katalizatori te smanjiti utrošak energije. U ovom radu provedena je reakcija transesterifikacije suncokretova, repičina i sojina ulja u biodizel trima metodama: sa sintetiziranom kiselom ionskom tekućinom 3-metil-1-(4-sulfobutil)imidazolijevim hidrogensulfatom (otapalo i katalizator), s enzimom lipazom Novozyme 435 (katalizator) i sintetiziranom ionskom tekućinom 3-butil-1-metilimidazolijevim heksafluorfosfatom (otapalo) te reakcija s kiselom ionskom tekućinom 3-metil-1-(4-sulfobutil)imidazolijevim hidrogensulfatom (otapalo i katalizator) u mikrovalnom reaktoru.Biodiesel is a replacement for fossil fuels, which stocks are declining, and they represent a threat to the environment due to the production of greenhouse gases. Today, there is a growing awareness of the need to protect the environment and therefore it is important in the synthesis of biodiesel to use less harmful solvents, more efficient catalysts, and to reduce the energy consumption. In this paper, transesterification of sunflower, rapeseed and soybean oil into biodiesel was performed by three methods: with an acidic ionic liquid 3-methyl-1-(4-sulfobutyl)imidazolium hydrogensulfate (solvent and catalyst), with lipase Novozym 435 (catalyst) and acidic ionic liquid 3-butyl-1-methylimidazolium hexafluorofosfate (solvent) as well as with the acidic ionic liquid 3-methyl-1-(4-sulfobutyl)imidazolium hydrogensulfate (solvent and catalyst) in the microwave reactor

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